Down time

Many people may wonder what professional golfers do to prepare for a golf tournament while away from the course. Some like to putt in their rooms at night and some may go through their yardage book for a course plan. And then you got those who mark their golf balls.

Note for non golfers: putting an identifying mark with a pen on a golf ball helps to identify it quickly and reduces the risk of hitting the wrong ball.

Today, I bring you a quick profile of my friend Nick Pugh (follow) with one of his pre-game specialties. A fellow Asian Developmental Tour Player who I’ve had the great pleasure of rooming with, Nick’s preparation is what we all strive for. While in our room a couple days ago, this is what his creation resulted in…


Notice the variety of Sharpie colors along with the exquisite writing on the ball. Truly one of a kind!

One response

  1. Kind words T-Mans, hopefully I won’t use them all up in the first round! I know you have Sharpie envy, it’s ok lah, you can borrow 😉

    January 9, 2012 at 5:43 pm

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